Vacant research positions on a fixed-term contract 2021-2022

STAR-UBB INSTITUTE OF BABEŞ-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY of CLUJ-NAPOCA issues an open call for filling vacant research positions on a fixed-term contract, as listed below.

The recruitment and selection process is organised in accordance with the updated National Education Law No. 1/2011, Government Decision No. 457/2011 on the approval of the Framework methodology for filling vacant teaching and research positions in higher education as amended, Law no. 319/2003 regarding the Research and Development Staff Statute and the Competition Methodology for filling vacant teaching and research positions at Babeș-Bolyai University. All details can be found at:

No.Faculty/InstitutePosition in the
FunctionDisciplines in
the curriculum
Contract periodInfo
1.STAR-UBB Institute133rd degree Scientific Researcher (SR III), part-timeFundamental research / exploratory / development-innovation in the field of
experimental elementary particle physics.
3 yearsdetails
2.STAR-UBB Institute151st degree Scientific Researcher (SR I), part-timeFundamental research / exploratory / development-innovation in the field of
artificial intelligence.
2 yearsdetails
3.STAR-UBB Institute161st degree Scientific Researcher (SR I), part-timeFundamental research / exploratory / development-innovation in the field of neurosciences.2 yearsdetails
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